Office photography – on location – interiors, exteriors and portraits of key staff

CHP Design are often asked to carry out photography at our clients’ offices. The type of photography which CHP provides is highly varied and includes portraits of key staff, fashion photography, product photography to office interiors. Our goal is to deliver high quality bespoke images. However, one of CHP’s main concerns when shooting in a […]
Design and build – a web application to collect and code (SOC2000) lifetime job histories

CHP Design have been working with academic researchers and health professionals at Imperial College London to create a web application. It collects and codes lifetime job histories in large population-based epidemiological studies. The system presents results as UK SOC 2000 codes, or equivalent ISCO-88. These are government standard codes which uniquely identify any occupation. The […]
Data visualisation using interactive graphs

Raw data is cold and shapeless. CHP Design work extensively with Hedge Funds and Asset Managers to present visual representations of data for investors. Interactive graphs provide immediate insight into trends with high and low values over time. Interactive Graphs From Net Asset Value (NAV) for investors to New Car Registrations for the UK automotive […]
Productivity Headaches – Is creating branded documents costing too much time?

Generating branded documents is a regular activity in many businesses. Letters, quotes, tenders, proposals etc. should all be part of the corporate brand and are often created as pdfs. PDF – Portable Document Format – has been with us a long time now. Things like fonts and pictures are included in the file itself so the design […]
What is accessible web design and how important is it?

CHP’s definition: Accessible web design facilitates easy and equal access for all users to a website’s information and functions. Accessible Web Design Not all users are able to interact with a website in the same way. Accessible web design caters for older audiences and those with visual, hearing, cognitive and motor impairments. A few simple examples are: to use larger […]