Office photography – on location – interiors, exteriors and portraits of key staff
CHP Design are often asked to carry out photography at our clients’ offices. The type of photography which CHP provides is highly varied and includes portraits of key staff, fashion photography, product photography to office interiors.
Our goal is to deliver high quality bespoke images. However, one of CHP’s main concerns when shooting in a working office is disruption. Having visitors in a working office who wouldn’t normally be present is distracting for staff. But visitors buzzing around your desk with a camera can be a real issue. CHP are very mindful of this and will always take every step to minimise the time taken to shoot on location in a client office. This involves meticulous preparation of timings with pre-approval of art direction roughs as visuals. We always ensure that staff are pre-briefed and we make sure that we are aware of which staff are happy to appear in any ad-hoc shots beforehand.
Quality images as standard
Photography outside of a dedicated photographic studio can cause headaches with lighting. Where possible we will always check lighting in advance because the flash on a camera alone is not usually sufficient. If necessary we will setup, check and afterwards remove any required extra lighting outside of office hours to minimise disruption.
For photography of interiors, home or office, it’s important that the images are as realistic as possible. Our eyes react seamlessly to variations in light and dark areas and give the impression of a full 180 degree field. We therefore use high-end specialist lenses and make special provisions for light flooding in from windows and other light/dark areas. Please see the following example.

If you have any questions or would like any help with either art direction or if you need a photographer, please contact us.